Westminster Society delivers “OUTSTANDING” care

BY: Emma Russell

CATEGORY: News, Press

We are delighted that the Health and Social Care Regulator, the Care Quality Commission has rated the Westminster Society Domiciliary Care Service for Adults as an Outstanding service.

This service provides care and active support to people living in 18 supported living settings for over 100 people, so that they can live in their own home as independently as possible. It was rated Outstanding for being caring and responsive, and Outstanding overall, after an inspection in June and July 2018.

Gabby Machell, Chief Executive of the Westminster Society, is elated, “This is wonderful news, and a huge credit to the whole team, but especially our support staff. We are thrilled that all our services are rated Good or Outstanding by the CQC.

“Being trusted to provide support for people with learning disabilities is a privilege, and I want to thank all our staff and everyone who uses our services for choosing the Westminster Society.”

Tim MacIntyre, Assistant Director of Adult Services, said “I am so proud of our team. To achieve Outstanding in care and responsiveness means the most to us because it reflects the hard work and dedication of our staff. We aim to be outstanding in all we do, and hope that this is great news for those who choose our services, including the people and families we support, our commissioners, and all our partners.”

Debbie Ivanova, CQC’s Deputy Chief Inspector of Adult Social Care, said “Staff and management at Westminster Society Domiciliary Care Service for Adults are to be congratulated for the high quality of care they provide to people.

“I was particularly impressed that the service had developed ways to make sure everyone could influence the development of the service to meet their individual needs and aspirations.”

The achievement will be marked by a month of celebrations across the Westminster Society. “We are all feeling really inspired,” added Gabby, “we are already looking at what we have learnt and how to keep improving our services, and look forward to working with our partners to achieve the very best for learning disabled Londoners and their families.”

“The Trustees are delighted at this outcome.” Lynne Peacock, Chair of the Board of Trustees for the Westminster Society said, “On our behalf, the management team works hard to maintain an open and transparent culture and to ensure we are sensitive to the unique needs of each of our service users. The overall outstanding rating reflects their success in achieving that along with the hard work put in by all our staff, often in difficult circumstances; our thanks go to them all for the individual contributions they have made.

“The CQC has also recognised the genuine sense of caring that is the hallmark of the ethos we try to achieve across all our services. Although we take comfort from the assurances given by the CQC in the report, the Society will continue to develop its services to ensure they remain relevant and useful and will do all it can to enhance the services it offers.”

The announcement has been marked by the release of a short video where we hear from the Chief Executive, Director and Registered Managers. The video can be found here:

You can read the report on the CQC website

If you’d like to know more about joining our team, we’re holding a recruitment open day on the 12th September

You can follow our month of celebrations on our social media:
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Facebook: Facebook.com/thewestminstersociety
Instagram: westminstersociety
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