Enjoying an art workshop with Brush and Bubbles

BY: Ciaran Willis

CATEGORY: Blog, News

Written by the support team at Cutbush House 

It was feeling cheerful at Cutbush house, as people we support gathered in the communal lounge for the Brush and Bubbles painting class.

Alice, running the session, had turned the area into an ultra-modern arts studio. Soothing classical music played in the background to set the mood.

People sat down behind already put-up canvases. On the right side of each canvas were three brushes- a small, medium, and large one. Right in front of each canvas were two paper plates. Each plate had different colour shades and the other served as a mixing plate on which primary colors were mixed to get a secondary one.

At the front of the class was a beautiful painting of a sun setting over an ocean, with mountains casting their shadows on the water. To paint this was the task for the day.  Alice told everyone they were free to be creative and paint whatever they wished to. If they wanted to try out something different, they could.

“We would like to paint something from our creative imagination”, said Janine and Samantha. Everyone applauded their initiative. Carlo, Alison, Richard, and Conrad found ‘sun setting on an ocean’ to be an interesting piece of art and wanted to give it a try.

Step by step, they followed the instructions given by Alice. Mixing colours, alternating between the different sized brushes, getting their aprons messy with the paints, having friendly conversations on different topics, drinking to quench their thirst, stomping, and humming to the songs being played. The activity was just what people had wanted, and more, and all too soon the hour and a half came to an end.

People displayed their beautiful works of art, posed for pictures, and thanked the art teacher Alice and support workers, Doreen, and Samuel B for such a wonderful activity. They told staff they are looking forward to similar activities in the future.


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