LDN London “saddened” that the Met Police will stop responding to mental health incidents

BY: Ciaran Willis

CATEGORY: Blog, News

Mandy Crowford, Director of Services at LDN London, has commented on the news that the Metropolitan Police will stop attending emergency calls for people in mental health crisis, unless there is a risk to life.

Mandy Crowford said: “The Police are a necessary part of the support network for people with learning disabilities and their families and social care teams. We support highly vulnerable people that sometimes go missing; people going through a mental health crisis; and people facing challenges due to dementia.”

“Calling the police in such crisis situations has resulted in positive outcomes before, such as helping someone return home quickly and safely, and breaking a cycle of behaviour which puts the person and others at risk.”

“Withdrawal of this partnership support with no alternative solution will leave already vulnerable people at even greater risk. We worry about the impact this will have on those people we support, families and teams when they are crying out for help. We are saddened by this decision and hope that the people impacted will be heard and solutions found.”


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