What is Portage?

BY: Ciaran Willis

CATEGORY: Blog, News

What is Early Help and Portage?

Portage is a home-visiting educational service for pre-school children who have special educational needs and disabilities (SEND), and their families.

The name comes from the town of Portage in Wisconsin, USA, where the first home teaching scheme began.


Some of the key aims of Portage are:


What happens when you receive Portage?

Our home visitor will have an initial meeting with you to find out more about your child’s needs.

This will be followed by either weekly home-visits or online sessions for 6 months with a follow up session after 3 months to check on your progress.  The aim is to get a better understanding of your child’s needs and make an individual plan based on your needs and aspirations. This should help your child’s development and create a manageable everyday routine for the whole family.

A home visitor can also refer you to other services, with your consent, if they feel this could help your child.

The long-term goal of portage is to teach you to use different skills and tools to support your child’s development. We want to make sure you feel confident using these methods to keep supporting your child independently, to help them to be included in society, and to have a happy family life.

Early Help and Portage at LDN London

At LDN London we do free home visits and/ or online sessions to deliver our Early Help and Portage service to early years children (0-5 years old) with any delay, educational difficulty, or disability. We support children with or without a diagnosis.

The service is available to families living within Westminster and Kensington and Chelsea.

Click this link to find out more and get support from our Early Help and Portage service


At LDN London we also offer: 


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