Robbie set to run the Brighton Marathon to raise money for LDN London

BY: Ciaran Willis

CATEGORY: Blog, News

Robbie is a consultant at Business Data Partners, a company which kindly supports LDN London and is running the Brighton Marathon on Sunday 7 April to raise money for our Community Hub.

We spoke to Robbie before the race:

Why are you taking on this challenge for LDN London?

Since the company I work for, Business Data Partners, recently partnered with LDN London to expand our charity work I thought it was important to champion the good work LDN do company wide. The Brighton Marathon offered a great opportunity to both support LDN and also raise awareness of the work they do to the company and people around me.

What difference will the money you raise make?

Tonnes! Having visited the Community Hub, the work and outreach that Luana, Laurence, and Colin perform is crucial to many people. By raising money and helping to keep the doors of the Community Hub open, it offers so many new opportunities for people in the community who may be quite isolated otherwise.

How is your training going?

I’d say better than I expected. I’m sure there is more I could’ve done, but having never run a marathon before I have followed my plan and feel about as prepared as I can be. I thought I would hate the day-to-day training much more than I have.

How are you feeling about the race?

Positive! Now we’re so close, I’m just looking forward to getting started.

What will inspire you to cross the finish line if you ‘hit the wall’?

If or when I ‘hit the wall’, I will be thinking that if I walk then it’ll only take me longer to get to the finish. So I might as well run as I’ll get the finish line sooner!

How big a challenge is this for you?

It’s the most difficult physical challenge I’ve done. I’ve run lots in the past but never more than a half-marathon and I’ve also completed the Three Peaks Challenge but that’s a different type of thing. Powering through 26.2 miles will be extremely difficult but a challenge I look forward to overcoming.

How are you going to celebrate after you finish the race?

I’m going to need a nap! But also, spend time with my family who are coming out to support.

Sponsor Robbie for the marathon and support LDN’s Community Hub to end social isolation

Sponsor Robbie Here


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